WuHan HuaSweet e akaretsa sebaka se akaretsang sa 110-milion m2, e na le Gedian Base (National Biomedical Park) le Huanggang Base (Provincial Chemical park).Metheo ena e 'meli e tsamaisa leeto le lecha la Huasweet mme e theha ketane e ncha ea indasteri ea monate o monate.Ka mor'a lilemo tse 20 a sebetsa indastering, a itšetlehile ka "Setsi sa Bophelo bo Botle ba Tsoekere" le "Provincial Level Joint Innovation Center of Enterprises le likolo tsa Healthy sugar substitute products", HuaSweet Science and Technology Park e hahiloe ka kopanelo le Xiamen University, East China. Univesithi ea Saense le Theknoloji le Univesithi ea Jianghan ho haha sebaka sa tlhahiso ea tsoekere, thuto le lipatlisiso.E na le matla a tlhahiso ea selemo le selemo a lithane tse 2000 tsa Neotame, lithane tse 10 tsa Advantame, lithane tse 200 tsa letoto la licorice (Ganbao), lithane tse 200 tsa neohesperidin dihydrochalcone (NHDC), lithane tse 50 tsa lihlahisoa tsa litholoana tsa monk, lithane tse 5000 tsa Sweetness Solution ) le lithane tse 4000 tsa tsoekere ea tlhaho ea zero (Okalvia).Chelete ea selemo le selemo ea li-sugar-sugar e 'nile ea e-ba ka pele-pele lefatšeng lilemong tse fetileng.